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Personal Interests

Hobbies and Interests.

I've never been satisfied with one thing for a long time, as a result, I have deep interest in many things. Some of them being Politics, History, Stocks, Economics, Binge-Watching.



I guess everyone once in their life imagines about being a politician and having power. I don't really imagine that. I think it is not at all what we believe it to be. I just have interest in politics when it comes to how it effects me or how it'll effect me in future. Also I'm very fond of remembering the relations that the countries have with each other and I like knowing about political leaders of other countries just for the purpose of general knowledge. 
So I'm a guy who can name almost every significant country's political leader and what ideology everyone of them represents along with the story of their political election.



I just love to know as much as I can about our history. It is not just our modern history that shaped the world we live in today, but also about the personalities that left a mark on this world through their actions. 
Although my most favorite part of history is modern history because it just helps you know so much about why things are the way they are. 
Why America and Russia are rivals?
Why Muslims hate Israel?
Why American Continents are called The New World?
Why did the Soviet Union collapse?
It just feels great to know about all this just by reading about history.
To know about the greatest civilizations like Roman Empire and the greatest of campaigns by Alexander The Great and Genghis Khan.



Politics, History and Geography go hand in hand.
Geography is always seen as something which relates to co-ordinates, positions of mountains, rivers, lakes and basically just numbers regarding the elevation. That is not what I mean by Geography here. I mean the countries, the city states inside those countries, knowing stuff like size of a country, it's population, it's language.
I have always loved the idea to be able to point out any country in the world on a World Map. Knowing where the states are inside the country. 
I like to pass my time by playing games like with my friends.
I also spend a lot of time on website learning geography, I would recommend this site to anyone who is interested in such things.


Finance & Stock Market.

According to me it is very important that every person knows about investing. It should be more like a proper part of life.
I started gaining interest in finance and economics during my SSC. I got so into the idea of knowing how a country functions, like where do the taxes come from, how are these taxes used, what are government endorsements, businesses, economic schemes, GDP, Budget, etc.
It is the keen interest and recklessness in knowing about how everything works. 
When I dived into the concept of Stock Market and stories and incidents occurred throughout history revolving around Stock Market, I got really interested and learned everything about it. How to evaluate stocks, how to invest in them, what types of evaluation methods are available.
Currently I've invested a lot in Mutual Funds as I find them very effective and also safe.
I Would recommend this and this video series to anyone who wants to start with Stock Market Investments.


Binge-Watching & Music.

Now I'm not a big fan of Music but I love to sometimes just relax listening to songs. 
Here is a playlist of all the songs that I like:
Now talking about Binge-Watching, I have spent almost 200 days watching series. Yes, 200 days, not hours. So I would like to think of myself as a hardcore binge watcher. I love every genre except Horror. (Obviously not because I'm afraid to watch it but because ghosts aren't real. 😬)
Anyways, this is the list of all the shows I've watched so far:


Psychology & Reading.

I have had an interest in human psychology since a long time. I just loved to evaluate why the humans behave the way that they do. Reading about a specific behaviour and actually witnessing it always amused me.
I think as you go deeper into learning about human psychology, humans just becomes simpler and simpler to understand. There is no complexity left, how can I miss out on something like this!
I found out that reading about such things is one of the best ways to move forward if you're interested, as you can get knowledge of thousands of years of studying and evaluation and brilliant minds coming to their conclusions.
Some of the books that I've found interesting so far are 'The subtle art of not giving a fuck', 'Everything is fucked' both by Mark Manson, 'Art of loving' by Erich Fromm, 'Beyond Good and Evil' by Friedrich Nietzsche.
I also found Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro very interesting personalities regarding some of the issues:

Personal Interests: Recent Work
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